Saturday, November 30, 2013

14 Girl


Pro: THEY ARE CHRISTIANS! And they do believe in the same God and Christ... get over yourselfs (language was modified, not exact wording)

Con: always getting bagged on.. not saying I want to be one... but gosh guys! 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

its okay .. trust me :)

Right now my best friend .. the reporter, is going through some hard times. If most of you don't know by now, she is emo (emotional) and she cuts her problems away. For all of you out there who have considered it or have done it, I'm so sorry, you are beautiful and amazing and Deserve the best .. nothing less.

These days are rough and we will stumble and fall, just to get back up again
You can also be your best friend.. my dear reporter doesn't see how much I care about her, she just locks her emotions inside and let's them escape with her blood...

And that's not right... You all deserve someone willing to listen and help you... and to thin down that bloody stream to nothing.

If you need someone at all make a fake email account or use your regular email and email me at ... I'm willing to listen to you :) 

You deserve it 
Stay strong dearies

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Oh my goodness, thank you guys and gals so much! We have hit over 400 views! I love you guys and want to thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read this :) I also want to just remind you that you are beautiful and deserve the best you can get. I love you all!!

School has got the reporter and I stumped a lot. I'm so sorry for that! But I will try to post a little thing here and there or the reg. Pro and cons..


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

16 BOY

no member

I don't know enough to judge it but um the cons are they make it seem like a job (you have to do the door to door thing )

15 BOY


Well Mormonism to me has helped me in my life with things i cannot explain. Many people view The LDS church as a negative and incorrect gospel.. I however believe it to be true, there have been things that have happened to me that I cannot begin to explain. I love it, it teaches good morals and standards and has blessed many lives. Though these standards may be strict in some cases for us teenagers, but to look past it and realize WHY these standards exist, WHY we are told to follow them.. The path is written in light before us, we either follow the plan Christ has prepared for us, or stray and suffer the temptations of earthly and worldly things.. It's our choice, really. I have no problem with it, some do, i question my belief at times, but we are encouraged in the Mormon faith to question, to know and understand what is true through the guidance of the The Holy Spirit.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Oh, the Lovely Yahoo Answers

As I'm flipping through Yahoo answers I came upon a wonderful little "brainwashing" technique towards today's mormon youth.. hope you guys view this and don't forget the look at the comments! (A.k.a. answers)


A Homecoming Disaster?

     So, reporter is typing this ^.^ …

     So recently my high school had homecoming, and since I'm not sixteen yet, my parents don't allow me to go. Butttttt... our school was so brilliant to throw a Vegas themed homecoming, with mormon  (forgot the word) but watching over you people. And it apparently was a total disaster, like guys couldn't hold a girl's waist while dancing, or barely kiss their date... I wouldn't do this, but it's HOMECOMING! It's basically a date, not a regular high school dance.
     What do you think of this?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Reporter's Turn

Hey guys! So this time instead of putting another person's opinion (I'll do some later, don't worry ;) ) I would like to tell you my story or one story in that matter. You guys all know me as the 'reporter' or the 'reporter girl' right? But like almost all of you, I want my voice to be heard!
     So I'm a 15 almost 16 year old girl. I've been born and raised in the "Mormon Church" or the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I use to believe in every story, and lesson and opinion that each individual had. I was baptized, and believed. But thinking it was my own thoughts, I grew up learning that it truely was not. What I believed was a mere replica of my parents.
     I either argue or cry EVERY time my parents and I talk about religion. There is no safe ground in that battle. By the time I hit 12, I knew there was something wrong, something blocking me from the truth. I am "required" to go to seminary, and young women's, and church.

Um, excuse me world, but did you know that children have freedom of religion?

     Some lessons I think are reasonable, just by common sense. But I doubt almost everything else. All I believe currently is in God and Jesus Christ and all of the reasonable common sense stuff.
     J.K. and I decided on creating this blog so people out there could here opinions, not the so called 'facts' ... because as I researched, children and teens didn't have a lot of say in their religion. It was mainly directed by the adults.
     Off to the side, ALWAYS HELP YOUR FRIENDS, whenever they may need you! Because they might destroy themselves. Mentally and/or physically.
     This week I was lucky enough to have my best friend their as I was balling my eyes out. And trust me, I don't cry! But your friends may be the difference between the hospital, your bed, or grave.
     It sounds rough, and it is, but that's the world we live in, YOU are worth more than this!
                 I LOVE YOU ALL!! <3 even if I don't know you.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sorry.. its not super bad news though! XD

Haha, sorry guys, its been a little hard getting to the blog, since school stated and all, I'll try to get stuff here! Or bother the reporter about it XD


Sunday, August 18, 2013

This girl is on Firrrreeeee!

I found this comment on another blog, she's got some spice! XD

As a TEENAGE girl who as been raised as a mormon, the church is crap. I wish I had more of a say in what I believe. And you adults out there think you know it all! You know what, I DON’T know it all but I can sure tell you that I can think for my self. If you have a little rebellious on religion teen, don’t punish them. It just makes us want to come back harder. And plus, how come the guys get to do everything? Us girls aren’t even aloud to leave the building for mutual and all that, but then the guys are out there having fun, and goofing off. In addition, our young women basically HATE each other. By LAW children have religious freedom, SO GIVE US OUR FREEDOM!

Read more:

She's BACK!

     So, after a loooonnnngggg month, my reporter person is back home! She will try to update your brain with new opinions to help you guys through! Pros? Cons? Questions? And don't forget we have an! See you soon guys :D

Sunday, July 21, 2013

We're on!

So wanna see questions? Or ask some yourself? Maybe even your pros and cons like in the blog? Go ahead and ask! On our page!

My main reporter friend for the blog should be back in about a week or so from now.

Love you guys and gals!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Thanks :)

So my main friend who helps me out with this is going on vacation for a month, and she gets no WiFi so noooooooo! But WE will try to give you more pros and cons before she leaves.

Thank you so much guys and girls! We love you and would like to show that we have over 200 viewers and thank you for all of the likes!

if you want to see your own opinion email me at

Thank you so much!

Thursday, June 27, 2013



Hi, I am 15 and a mormon. I love the church with all my heart and knows it makes me a better person at the end. Although sometimes I wish I could wear certain dresses and what not and accidently cuss every so often, I know my standards will make me a better me. 

    Family environment
    Connect with the lessons

    Dress restrictions
    Where is my freedom of speech?



I am leaning towards Atheist and I don't really know how to to or want to tell my family because they are all Mormons and very religious and Judgmental. I feel as if I am betraying people because I have been raised mormon all of my life and I am 15 now and just starting to believe god isn't really there...


     very very judgemental

Tuesday, June 25, 2013



hey, im a mormon teenager, we are allowed to do a lot of stuff but we are also not allowed to do a lot of stuff.
personally i know a lot of teen mormons who believe in everything but still rebel and stuff.
i have freedoms, i go to parties, and go hang out with friends, i dont drink or smoke, i rarely swear. i have struggled with my religion, but i know its true.
id say im a pretty average teen..

Saturday, June 15, 2013

17 Girl



PRO: great friends, nice people, the Spirit, the Book of Mormon and other Scriptures to lead you on your way, external marriage/families, knowledge, the priesthood, eternal happiness, and many more!
CON: because of your knowledge, you are to be righteous.

Wheres the truth?

I found a woman who is an ex mormon but did some research. She wanted to know the truth and wanted her true love so she tried. But she also has reasons for leaving the church, and they sound reasonable. take a listen!


Thursday, June 13, 2013




Mormons seem friendly and welcome new guests, but I feel very pressured (I have gone to the church meetings sometimes) it seems like to much time within one day. Many of my friends go to a morning class called seminary and they seem exhausted by the time they get to school. It must be really rough. One of my friends has juvenile fibromyalgia and has a hard time falling asleep let alone waking up... it's a side affect! But she has had several days where she has fallen asleep in many classes in school, sometimes even several times a day.

    the lessons seem detailed and motivational
    They are very welcoming
    with a lot of high school work already, and puberty, teens don't need more on their plate
    Sleep amount
    No caffeine
    No tea

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Well we may never know!? XD
 Well check out this video!


another view

I found a website that summed up some of the mormon teen life

Check it out!



Hey guys! Thanks for being there! :D
If you have any questions...  email me at

Thank you so much!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

16 BOY

16 BOY

My opinions are more questions like: if our body is a temple why can girls get piercings and boys can't if we are created equal? And why did Joseph Smith hide his 33 wives from his wife Emma? aren't we suppose to be true and faithful to our spouse's? And why did mormons follow the racist trends and not allow blacks to hold the priesthood? I love the family environment but I'm questioning if the actual religion and teachings are true, or its all just a big fat con-manned lie?



I hate that I am scolded for having non member friends. and that I have to float around around all of the rest of the mormon girls. There so clicking, so they don't accept me anyways. It's also weird that I'm allowed to hang out with mormon boys my age, but not boys that aren't mormon. Seriously!? They are still teenage boys! A religion can't change there teenage views!

    uhhh I have non


14 Girl


I am currently 14 years old and can think for myself. I have been raised as a Mormon since I was only a couple months old. My parents are converts but they have a strong conviction in the church. But I have a strong conviction against it. 

     Make you feel guilty if leaving or even questioning

15 BOY


I'm a Mormon, sadly. They think their the perfect religion and that their the ONLY
perfect religion. Do you realize that almost EVERY religion says that, what makes
This one so special? Cuz dude, Others and mormonism itself try to tell you their
Side and their reason for perfection. To be honest, I don't even trust the English
Languaged Bible,since its basically a translation on a translation on a translation.
And not all sentences come out the same, you have to rearrange words and
Sometimes replace them when translated. So it's never the same as the original
and is now errorred. Think what you want, that's just from my perspective.


16 BOY

it's amazing having something to help you in tight problems

    I feel that I'm not on my own and that others are there for me like a family
    Food is always a plus
    The comfort of the holy ghost
    The girls make a lot of the right choices
    Mostly all of the marriages are REAL love and compassion

    Not a lot of activities with the girls (come on!)
    A lot of the volunteered teachers



It's a rough world when your not even in it.

    I feel safe
    People tend to keep an eye on you

    people tend to keep an eye on you
    Lessons never click with me (always taught the same way )
    No dateing till 16
    No shorts or tank tops
    No bikinis
    Feel like I'm not part of the modern world
    People at school consider us by the old mormon roots
    Some people don't even consider us christians

Monday, June 10, 2013


Things happen for a reason, and it doesn't have to make sense to us. Or its just very unusual. But everyone goes through a rough stage in their life. When they feel they are alone, neglected, or emotionally, or physically abused. Your not alone. Trust me. Some challenges that people face are easier than others, and some just push people to the last string, their last breathe. Not even joking. Think, believe, and trust in yourself. Give yourself reasonable goals, and punishments that won't hurt you.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


hit more than 90 viewers! .. and from all over the world.. even to Germany and Russia & more! :) thank you all for looking through people's views, you are all very important, not only to me but to everyone around you... and ALWAYS remember that!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013



I think we should be able to do things when we are ready and have time to spend with friends and not ALWAYS family and church.

being able to spend more time with family and God.
Recieve more blessings and be more alert.

not being able to date till a certain age
not being able to wear shorts and tank tops

16 boy

16 BOY


    mormons are weird

    You feel better about yourself and your apart of a group

    You miss out on regular teenage fun.

15 girl non



i cant really judge mormons, because I havent met all of them. There's
good and bad people in every religion. I like Mormon values though. I
respect w hey t till marriage for deep affection and don't drink.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

14 girl

14 Girl

how i feel about the church: i love this gospel so much and i know it is true. i love the lessons and the leaders. yet most of the teenagers in my ward are very judgemental and . they are also very cliquish and i dont like most of the people in  church because of  mean they are.

the feeling of  the priesthood and how comforting it is. also its comforting to know we  have the atonement and that our heavenly father and his son Jesus Christ loves  knows each and everyone of us. i just love this church so  much it's hard to explain why i do

sense of peace and love

there's a lot of mean and rude people who You without even knowing you
some restrictions are hard to follow

Monday, April 8, 2013

17 Boy (non-member)

I don't know much about Mormons.. so, yeah.

nice people
nice building

people say the rules are strict
some say they don't really hang with non-mormons
I heard seminary sucks
They all look the same

Sunday, April 7, 2013

13 Girl

13 Girl

I've been a Mormon since I was 7 and it has absolutely changed my life! I love it!

      I feel as though i'm part of a bigger family... a.k.a.: I'm loved

      church on Sunday: wastes my day

7 Boy

7 Boy

There is no fun. cant do anything. i'm getting pushed everywhere. Its no fun. At all.

      Some nice teachers

      small games with no real interaction
      too many people
      terrible chairs to sit in for 3 hours

11 Girl

11 Girl

The church is extremely boring.

      nice bathrooms

      sitting there doing nothing
      small classrooms
      too many people
      sacrament overflow
      not kid/family friendly

Saturday, April 6, 2013

J.K.'s View...
         Okay so I'm actually a girl... teenager to add to that ;)   ... I actually dislike young womens, well just my ward's girls, no one literally cares. You can sit in the corner and cry and no one will ever even lay an eye on you (happend to me). I am stubborn and will be whoever I want to be! Without the leaders and other girls telling me who to be, or that they don't like my style (p.s. I'm dress emo; not super emo though, just black everyday)... some girls have even gotten mad at me because i dislike make-up... and doing my hair. I never wear pink! okay well back on the religion topic.. here are my pros and cons:

free food
gets me out of chores
courage in front of people

women seem weak
supposedly not allowed to leave building during EVERY activity
women have like no power (can't be bishop.. etc.)
Women are to work in the house, and have kids
lessons are repetitive... they don't even try to teach it another way
Everyone says their way is right and everyone else's is wrong.. (very competitive)

MORE SOON FROM J.K...........

feel free to write a comment.. offensive or not .. have at it!! :)


Intro through all :D

So this blog is written with a combination of boys and girls. Through the ages of 7-17. It explains their view on the mormon religion. Some views come from people in the religion since birth, new members, or even people that know others in the religion.


completely written by kids
       so mistakes happen!!!
